Sunday 13 February 2011

Living the Egyptian Dream

I have just read a fascinating piece, posted by Peter Smith reflecting on an article published in the New York Times, on the mistakes of US western policy towards the middle east. It was a brilliant analysis of the issues of why western nations got it wrong.

It sent me off dreaming of how the rest of this Century could evolve. This is my hope.

Democracy globally will be a natural part of our coming 21st C world - with respect for human responsibilities (as well as rights); and of leaderships that uphold the spiritual values of justice and compassion.

We need just as much a sea change in the Western Democracies as in those states that have other cultural roots, such as China, India, and the Islamic and Orthodox Christian nations such as Russia.

Words like mutuality, respect for difference, simplicity, need to be the hallmark of our common global future.

I sense we are on the cusp of a new global cross cultural understanding of the sort of planetary culture and set of values we will need to put in place for the rest of this century.

In my view, it will be individual, local, trans-national and "spiritual" - deriving ideas and values from past traditions in religion and culture, as well as from a basic humanism.

The era of monolithic nations and empires is fading and a much greater sense of being part of a common humanity is growing.

It will not be easy to fashion this - but I trust and hope that its development will deepen into a new compassionate globalism. One World - of respect and pluralism, environmental care and justice for the impoverished.

The historic faiths and their practices will still be deeply present in most communities, alongside more free-wheeling spiritual journeying, but with an openness and progressive approach based on tolerance of difference.

There will be an inherent internationalism and globalism - where extremes of poverty and great wealth are seen as unacceptable.

Politics will change to allow wisdom and insight to be the predominant reason for participation as service - not for power or reward.

These are exciting times to be alive. We must all, "Live the dream!"


1 comment:

Brigid said...

The sun may be clouded, yet ever the sun, will sweep on its course 'till the cycle is run,
and when into chaos the system is hurled, again shall the builder reshape a new world.
Your path may be clouded,uncertain your goal,move on for your orbit is fixed in your soul,and though it may lead into darkness of night,
The torch of the builder shall give it new light.

You were , you will be!, know this while you are; your spirit has travelled both long and afar,
It came from the source, to the source it returns,
The spark which was lighted eternally burns,
It slept in a jewel it leapt in a wave, it roamed in the forest, it rose from the grave.
It took on strange garbs for long aeons of years, and now in the soul of yourself it appears.
From body to body your spirit speeds on,
It seeks a new form when the old one has gone,
And the form that it finds, is the fabric you wrought, on the loom of the mind from the fibre of thought.
As dew is drawn upwards in rain to decend, your thoughts drift away and in destiny blend.
You cannot escape them for petty or great, or evil or noble, they fashion your fate.
Somewhere on some planet, sometime and somehow,
Your life will reflect the thoughts of your now.
My law is unerring, no blood can atone,
The structure you built, you will live in alone.
From cycle to cycle through time and through space,
Your lives with your longings will ever keep pace.
And all that you ask for and all you desire,must come at your bidding, as flame out of fire.
Once list to that voice and all tumult is done,
Your life is the life of the infinite one,
In the hurrying race you are conscious of pause, with love for the purpose and love for the cause.
You are your own devil, you are your own God,
You fashioned the paths your footsteps have trod, and no one can save you from error or sin,
Until you have harked to the spirit within.

Poem attributed to a Maori: Tieme Ranapiri.